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This is a commentary on Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn, with the whole penguins crew with Ron Smith.


Smith: Hi, this is Ron Smith. I'm the director of 3-2-1 Penguins! And I'm here with the whole penguins crew.

Zidgel: Starting with Zidgel, of course. It's captain. Hello out there, one of my fans! Uh, where are the cameras? Aren't my fans going to able to see me?

Smith: No, they're going to watch the episode while we talk about it.

Zidgel: I think that will disappoint a lot of people out there, but it's probably best since it looks like Midgel just pulled out of bed.

Midgel: I've been up for hours. I guess I had been preening myself all morning. I've been working on getting some more power from the main thrusters on the ship. A ship's mechanic's job is never done.

Fidgel: Fidgel here, ship's scientist. Thanks for watching, everyone. My! The scenery is lovely, isn't it? Nothing like a nice scenic drive.

Smith: Kevin?

Kevin: What?

Smith: Aren't you going to say hello, Kevin?

Kevin: Oh, of course. Hello, Kevin!

Zidgel: You know, Ron, these shows need a little something. I'm thinking a big action sequence at the beginning starring, well, me of course. Doing daring stuff, lots of big close-ups, of me. Gotta give the fans what they want.

Smith: This is an ensemble cast, there really isn't a star.

Zidgel: I think my fan mail would say otherwise.

Smith: Everybody's fan mail comes to me first and we've gotten exactly two letters from your fans. By the way, your mother and hair-dresser both say hello.

Midgel: Hey, what kind of--what kind of car is that? Look at that.

Smith: I believe it's a 97 Generica.

Kevin: Pretty cool.

Fidgel: Oh!

Midgel: Ouch.

Fidgel: What sort of strange custom is that?

Smith: It's an expression of affection.

Midgel: Looks like something I learned in self-defense class back at the Academy.

Zidgel: Yes, I remember, the Orcan-Jell Twist.

Zidgel: I thought I was the cute one.

Kevin: I wonder where they're going.

Smith: I believe they said it was a family obligation.

Fidgel: Well, at least the children get to spend summer holiday with that charming woman!

Midgel: Ugh, he should get his emissions checked.

Midgel: Uh, they're back.

Zidgel: I-I I can't see anybody here. Oh.

Zidgel: What is that?

Kevin: I think it's one of those.

Zidgel: Looks like a Fill-Go Predicter.

Midgel: He's got that right.

Midgel: That too.

Kevin: Oh dear!

Fidgel: Gracious, that looks painful.

Zidgel: Looks like an episode of the W.W.F.

Kevin: What? What's happened to her hands?

Fidgel: Hmm, she must have gotten them stuck in the trans-species distal-regenerator.

Kevin: What's folly?

Midgel: Those clothes she's got on.

Zidgel: You know, that's what we wound up learning at the end. Oh, yeah.

Midgel: (imitates video game's music for a few seconds) I wonder if, uh, he remembered to conne--oh. It's dark, right?

Fidgel: Pie, a filled pastry, equal to 3.14. How do you determine the area of that tin plate? You have to use Pi! (laughs)

Zidgel: (laughs).

Midgel: Bangus and mash? Aren't they the bulks who run that driving instruction place?

Kevin: Yeah, they're right next to bubble and squeak, my
